CoinDesk sent out a survey meant to gauge the innermost feelings and thoughts of crypto’s leading figures. Loosely based on the “Proust Questionnaire” popular during the fin de siecle, we’re hoping honest answers will reveal insights about our own age of transition.
Sunny Aggarwal, a Tendermint and Cosmos developer and founder of the UC Berkeley Pirate Party, answered our questions over email.
Your favorite blockchain protocol?
Cosmos, obviously.
Your # 1 favorite crypto hero?
Your favorite quality in an entrepreneur?
Ability to stay true to values.
Your biggest fear?
(Crypto specific) Crypto adoption goes nowhere and all this time and energy we’ve spent will be [for] naught.
What would you value bitcoin at today?
One word on how you got into crypto?
Doro Wat
What should crypto disrupt next?
Let’s finish disrupting money/finance first.
Public or private?
A mix realistically. Private chains that can prove particular properties publicly.
Permissioned or permissionless?
Once again a mix. Pemissioned chains in a permissionless network of blockchains.
Your net worth?
Enough for now.
What defines Satoshi?
Spent [a] ton of computing power to secure the network in the early days. Had a side effect of mining so many coins but he’s never touched them, and probably never will.
Other CoinDesk Confessionals:
Kathleen Breitman’s ‘Blaze of Glory’
Meltem Demirors Takes the ‘Proust Questionnaire’
Your favorite economist?
Joseph Schumpeter
When and where were you when you first heard about BTC?
I first heard of crypto when dogecoin was used to fundraise for the Jamaican national bobsled team. Actually started to look further into Bitcoin a few years later.
Do you mine? Would you mine mine?
I set up a small hobbyist mining rig a little while ago, just to go through the motions and see what it’s like and better understand the software. I don’t think it’s still running anymore. I probably wouldn’t mine professionally, the economics don’t make sense.
Your favorite revisionist crypto from crypto history?
“Debt: The First 5000 Years”
Your favorite non-crypto book?
“Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality”
Your most visited webpage?
What inspires you?
Historical biographies.
What is your main fault?
I want to do too many things and can’t focus on one.
Your main hero characteristic?
What is your current state of mind?
In an explore mode, just trying to learn and figure out what to work on next.
What or who do love the most?
Discussing politics, philosophy and history with friends.
When and where were you happiest?
In Berlin.
What gets you out of bed?
My sister, who wakes me up every morning cause I sleep too much.
What is your motto?
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
What would you like to be?
Where would you like to live?
Just moved to NYC a few months ago, but had to leave cause of [the COVID-19] situation. Looking forward to getting back there asap!
Your favorite television show or movie?
“Mr. Robot”
Your most vivid memory?
The day I joined my fraternity in college.
Your greatest achievement?
Created UC Berkeley Pirate Party.
What do you rely on?
Support of family and friends.
What would you change about yourself?
Lose weight.
Where will you be in 10 years?
Working on solving problems in education.
Your favorite fiction character?
Captain America
How do you spend your free time?
Reading, motorcycling, watching television.
What do you want your legacy to be?
Having built something that brings people more sovereignty to their lives.
How would you like to die?
Preferably not in a motorcycle accident. My mom would kill me.
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